Hey folks, just wanted to start by welcoming everyone to the website and thanking those involved in the creative process. I'm currently writing this post two hours before launch - still need to tidy up the photography section and then my roommate, Aaron, has volunteered to help test the site's functionality on desktop and mobile platforms.
What a trip it's been - a little over two months from conception to now. To anyone curious about having their own site: it requires a little more work than expected, yet every hour feels worth it. It's a strong professional move that I think we'll see becoming more commonplace in years ahead.
The idea of someone taking your business card, with a link to your curated platform, seems too empowering not to do. You can market yourself in ways not possible on social media (although you should use those channels too).
Anyways I don't want to go too "millennial entrepreneur" here - terrible cliché. The idea has its merits.
For now it's time to wrap this puppy up - maybe with a cold beer. That sounds nice.
Big cheers from Chicago to wherever this finds you,